Expert advice for tooth whitening

Award and recognition at the 23rd Bass Congress
May 21, 2018
Prevention is the fastest way to oral health!
June 28, 2018

32893697 - smiling woman showing her perfect white teeth

Long time age, someone said, “There are hundreds of languages ​​in the world, but the smile speak all of them.”

Thanks to modern dentistry, today, everyone on the planet can have the “Hollywood  smile”  that we are watching  on the TV screens, and even crystal-clear teeth are not uncommon.

Tooth whitening is a treatment that bleaches the natural color of your teeth. It is a cosmetic treatment that is carried out using special preparations which is based on hydrogen peroxide or carbimide peroxide in various concentrations.

The only correct and effective way to clear your teeth is the one you are working in consultation with your dentist. However, before the final goal, it is important to perform a complete dental overview beforehand and determine that all your teeth are healthy. If they are not, your dentist will solve all the problems and only after that, recommend tooth whitening.

This procedure in dental oridation “Modent 1”  is performed using the most modern methods and by using proven, clinically tested gels that guarantee the best results. The procedure is performed with a special laser lamp and lasts for about 45 minutes, completely painless.

It is important to keep in mind that artificial materials can not be bleached, which means that if you have a crown on one of the front teeth and a large plaster on the other teeth you will not achieve the desired result during this treatment. In that case, the dentist will recommend additional interventions, including replacement of the filling.

And, how long you will have a bright, white smile, depends on you and your lifestyle. Cigaretes, a lot of coffee, black tea or wine during the procedure will slow down the effectiveness, and after bleaching it will short the longevity of the treatment achieved.

After this treatement, we recommend at least  two weeks avoiding bad habits, as well as pigmented foods and beverages.

If you follow these instructions and advices from your dentist, you only have to maintain the effect achieved and repeat the treatment once a year.

Aesthetics is an individual experience, so you choose the tonality that best suits you. An expert dentist will advise you the best option with complete appreciation of your opinion and your wishes.

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